What Is Cyber Security? And Why It’s Important

Written by: Libby on January 30, 2024

Cyber Security means keeping your online information safe. It means being careful about the links you click, the websites you visit and what you post on social media. 

The internet is a necessary part of our daily lives, so learning how to protect our information and identity is more important than ever. That’s where Cyber Security comes in. 

This is why, here at InnovateHer, we found it essential to create a Cyber Security course. Not only so young people know how to stay safe online, but also to get an understanding and experience of a new, potential career. 

Why Cyber Security?

Cyber Security is important everywhere – for us, it’s about knowing what links to open and how to buy stuff online. In business, it means to protect the company’s information. 

We always refer to the following example, “one of my friends is a huge gamer and said she got a message from somebody who said was a game developer, someone who created games. They offered her 3 game items if she gave them her login details. She got excited and did that. A few days later , she realised all her in-game items were stolen!”

We want young people to be and feel safe online, and understanding Cyber Security is essential to that safety. 

Staying safe online means using strong passwords, up-to-date software, and installing anti-virus software to protect your computers, laptops, or phones. 

Just like how you lock the door to your house to be safe inside, you want to protect yourself online, too. Core function: Protecting devices we use online!

Did you know about these statistics on cyber attacks?

Job Opportunities. 

There are lots of job opportunities in the sector:

On average these jobs earn around £63,000 per year.

At the time of writing this, only 24% of the Cyber Security industry is made up of women worldwide. The industry needs a change. So, to showcase to young people how cyber security can be a career for them is important to us!

Your career path may be dynamic. Why not be curious and find out what it’s like to work in different industries and pick up some skills along the way?

A route for young people might be apprenticeships. Opportunities in Cyber Security apprenticeships are increasing. These apprenticeships give you a good understanding of the field and a better pathway to a career in the sector.

You can learn more about apprenticeships and routes here

What our Course Covers

Our free Discover Cyber Security course is a course for beginners. Users will take on the role of a Cyber Security apprentice in six interactive lessons. Helping them solve real-life problems.

Knowing what cyber crimes are and how to protect yourself from them is important, so we created our course to help you do this.

If you are interested in any of the following subjects in school:

Then our course is for you!

You will learn and develop skills such as:

All of these are vital skills for your future career and day-to-day life!

In just 2 hours, you will better understand cyber security and how it could be your future career!

Sign up here!

Cyber Security: Why Learn It

This blog focuses a lot on how crucial cyber security is and how having a basic understanding of it is essential in your life as well as your career.  

However, the words of people who have completed the course is just as important, so you can understand the benefits of our Discover Cyber Security course:

This is why we’re very excited to announce that our course is now live! 

Sign up for free here!

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