In Conversation with a Mobile Engineer

Written by: on March 13, 2018

Meet Niamh Power

With only 19% of women in tech roles in the North West, we thought we’d introduce one of the leading ladies of tech.


Niamh is a Mobile Engineer at Monzo, an online banking service. In this conversation with Niamh you will be given an insight into what a day in the life of a developer entails.

How did you get your job?

I studied computer science at university and stumbled upon App development at a summer placement. Then, I ended up at a digital agency that had an app team that luckily showed me how things should be done in terms of project planning and process, and a couple of jobs later I ended up at Monzo.

What would be most useful for someone to learn who is just starting out on their journey?

Don’t feel bad if it doesn’t click straight away, it took me a good while before I felt I could understand, and it’s the sort of profession where you’re constantly learning, so no one knows it all anyway!

What do you think the future trends will be in this area?

I personally think AR (Augmented Reality) could become a big thing as the technology around it improves, especially in gaming.

What skills will people need in 3/5  years time?

To be honest, I think having a good grounding in the right way of thinking, and having a good base of technical skills should allow you to adapt to any changes in the next 5 years. Technology is one of the fastest moving sectors so we need to be on our toes for the next big thing!

Which coding languages do you use to make IOS apps?

For the majority of projects, Swift, the open source language, is the programming language used to develop iOS apps. Previously this was Objective-C, which is still used but less frequently

Which coding languages do you use to make android apps?

For Android, the most commonly used is Java, hence it is often a great platform to get started in mobile development as most study Java at university.
However last year, Google announced that they were officially supporting the new language from JetBrains, Kotlin. This is much more similar to Swift, which makes it great for communicating with the other platform’s developers.

Which software / tools do you use to code?

For iOS development, I primarily use Xcode, although I have started to use AppCode.
For Android development, Android Studio. This is a fantastic tool and the envy of iOS developers in my opinion!
I have also used GitHub for source control, which keeps a backup of the project and allows you to review other’s code.

How long does it take to make an app from concept to completion? (Average project life cycle)

The average project life cycle depends entirely on the specification! How long is a piece of string?!

Follow Monzo and Niamh on Twitter.

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