In Conversation with a Fashion-Tech Pioneer

Written by: on March 23, 2018

Have you ever bought a dress from the high street that would have been perfect if it just fit you that bit better? Do you have to adjust your clothing to fit your shape? Did you ever wish that your clothing was more adaptable and not ‘one size fits all’?

Meet Rachel Beattie, Co-Founder of Careaux – where fashion is fused with maths to guarantee the perfect fit. Rachel has spotted these problems and has developed a solution which she thinks solves our clothing woes.

In our conversation with Rachel, we also found out how her dream of fusing her two passions became a reality.

Rachel and her sister Laura
Rachel (right) and her sister Laura (left).


Prepare to be inspired…

How did you get into the field you’re in?

When I was studying for my GCSE’s I had an idea that combined my love for Maths and Fashion. After I graduated, I decided to launch my own womenswear brand with my sister, Laura. The problem we’re trying to tackle is that one size never fits all and the high street often sells clothing which doesn’t fit the average woman’s figure.

With our design, you can choose an option which better flatters your shape or fits your mood that day. The Careaux dress can be split into a top and a skirt by using a zip around the waist, which enables the dress to have a different (or same) size top to its bottom and you can also interchange to create different dress styles. I have applied Combinatorics, an area of Maths, which looks at the theory of combining different things and it actually works out that ‘Number of dresses = Number of tops x Number of skirts’. I really want to showcase how Maths and the skills you learn can be applied to anything and how it can change the world for the better.

Careaux dress

What advice would you give to someone who is just starting out on their journey?

I would say to never give up if it is something you want to do, as there will probably be a few setbacks. Just keep going and don’t be afraid to ask for help or questions. I was working on my idea for 8 years and have hit many obstacles, but I’ve learned more than I have before and met so many great people along the way.

Also, I would say if you have an idea or something you want to do that is not line with the current trends then you should pursue it, as you could be about to create something that has never been done before.

What do you think the future trends will be in this area?

I feel like Psychic Sally with this question! From the fashion side I think there will need to be a lot more personalisation particularly to body shapes. Also, I think on the general business start up side there will be a lot more people starting their own businesses who need support and this will hopefully drive the growth of business support services, which is needed.

What skills will people need in 3/5 years time?

I think being able to adapt and be comfortable with the unknown. This is something I’m grappling with at the moment, as the world is changing so fast and there isn’t always a right answer. So being resilient is key and would make you more likely to succeed.
Careaux Ad Campaign

What advice would you give to your younger self?

If you believe in something keep going. Whatever you dream of you can make happen with determination and hard work. Don’t be too hard on yourself!

Find out more about Careaux and be sure to follow Careaux on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.

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