Creating Change: Bridging Tech’s Gender Gap

Written by: on November 9, 2023

“Both men and women are heavily influenced in their career choices by what they’re taught society expects”. 
In 2023, women are still being funnelled into Health and Care roles, while technical and digital jobs are flooded with men. It’s no wonder the gender gap isn’t closing in any significant and permanent way. The equal opportunities messages aren’t reaching everyone. Our experiences at work are only changing in specific environments. 

We would like to believe progressive, empowering ideas are breaking down stereotypes and shattering ceilings. But there’s so much change still needed. This is why our 2023 Social Impact Report focuses on the need to close the gender gap. 

Gender Gap and Young People

Teachers have told InnovateHer that they are encouraged to usher boys down the STEM route and girls towards the Arts when picking their GSCEs. In certain schools, teachers don’t have the capacity to go against the grain. The system has no wiggle room for change. Where schools won’t or can’t change themselves, our interventions shift the dial. 

How would you know you can be a female engineer if every engineer you’ve ever seen was a man?

Why would you consider a career as a videogame designer if no one introduced you to gaming? 

What is the route to becoming a cybersecurity specialist if you’re at a school which doesn’t teach Computer Science?

Even entry-level tech jobs want young people to have experience in the industry or qualifications which aren’t accessible to everyone, so until education is equitable, how can the industry be equitable? 

At InnovateHer, there’s a real effort to work with schools that need curriculum-enhancing programmes like InnovateHer Online. Or schools that need more jobs represented at career fairs so students can get a taste of the industry. In doing so, inspire them to pursue tech careers, which works to close the gender gap.

Our Social Impact Report

Our Social Impact Report showcases:

We want to keep doing this work and connecting young people with professionals. Educating young people on the opportunities, pathways, and variety of roles in Tech is a crucial intervention. It’s only part of the work that needs to happen to close the gender gap.

A Change Needed

The report highlights that a smaller gender gap improves global GDP. This increases productivity and promotes innovation.

Until we make sure young girls and non-binary students have access to information to make their own decisions about whether they want to work in Tech, the industry will continue to reflect an imperfect image of UK society. 

To read more on how we’re working to close the gender gap, download our Social Impact Report here.

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